The World is Flat : Thomas Friedman

Chapter Four : The Great Sorting Out

death of the operator

Its kind of stupid, I think. The way friction is meant to be reduced, yet, only more is created. Like the way Friedman described how he called directory and a machine picked up. He had to keep asking over and over again for the name, but the machine wasn't adept enough to be able to understand him. You have to speak in a slow, clear tone, and maybe after the third try you'll get through. It's meant to be easy, to make things go quicker. It kind of reminds me of the visa commercial, with everyone rushing through and the guy decides to use cash instead, and it completely throws off the balanced routine they had going. Except what Friedman describes is on a much bigger scale. But anyway, what I'm saying is if there was a human on the other line, it would be quicker, easier, and more satisfying.